Friday, April 26, 2013

What. The. Hell.

           Hey, guys. This doesn't really have anything to do with music... awkward. But this is something that is really important to me. 

              A LOT of people in my town are claiming that they purposely self harm themselves. It has come to my attention that they also make "secret" Instagram, Twiter, Facebook, etc accounts. FOR ATTENTION. This is wrong, in my opinion on so man levels. I feel so bad for the people who actually suffer from these problems. The people who actually need help and are suffering, but are too shy or scared to publicize it. People don't realize that making these claims are very serious and insulting to the people who actually suffer from depression, anxiety, eating disorders, what have you. It's even worse when said poser takes it a step further and ACTUALLY harms themselves. Then, they aren't just making false accusations, but they're branding their skin for life! Scars do fade, true, but when you're older, established in life, and happy you will look at them and regret it. They don't completely disappear. Image being in your twenties/thirties and seeing all of these scars and thinking "I did this.. all for attention..."

Go ahead.

Imagine It.

Yeah. You feel salty.

If you actually do have these problems, Don't download an app. Seek professional help.

You don't need a shiny, wiggly little square.

You need a real, living, educated person.  With a degree.

User name @_ilovekittensxoxo_  doesn't have a degree... She only has an instagram. If anyone every needs to talk, I am here for anyone! Obvious disclaimer: I DO NOT have any type of degree. I'm just a girl who has been through a lot in her life, and has also been a "peer counselor" to many. I have a lot experience. Just email, or facebook me! :)

                                                     With Love & Pandas,
                                                                                         Cori Lynn.

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