Saturday, May 4, 2013

T. Mills & Sammy Adams

             I was lucky enough to get the unfathomable opportunity to meet and interview T. Mills and Sammy Adams while they were on tour together a few weeks ago. They are both amazing people. They're music really differs from who they are as people. They're both so elegant and articulate! It was an amazing experience getting to hangout with two people i've been listening to for close to two years. I've had a picture on my wall of T. Mills! I ogled over him while getting ready for school! I really didn't expect the day to come where I MET THEM... WUT. Here are some pictures I took at the concert. I'd love feedback!

Have a nice day (:

People like to throw their bra's on stage. I, personally, Don't see the appeal.
LADIES, You do realize that you're gonna be without support for the rest of 
the night, right? think ahead...

**Please keep in mind that these are not "action shots"- but "Point&Shoot"

Also, all pictures are and always will be property of Cori Lynn Petersen Photography.

Thank you!
                          With Love & Pandas,
Cori Lynn Petersen

New LTL website:
Instagram: cori_lynn_98
Twitter: @coripetersen98


Friday, May 3, 2013



I has good news! Blair & I are expanding our tentacles out into the interwebs! If you don't speak Cori, that translates to: WE HAVE OUR OWN WEBSITE NOW.


We're kinda a big deal.

This blog is going to be used for my personal use. The pictures I take of Me, My friends & I, Nature, or just stupid shit I think looks cool! I'm not going to have a set day I post, So BE SURE to check back occasionally to make sure you're not missing anything! I'll most likely be sharing it everywhere when I do post. Probably facebook.. Because I'm a teen girl.. & That's all I ever do.


I took a lot of pictures during the week. I had state testing so that means I had half days almost all week. I had so much extra time on my hands! But, I managed to make do. I'll upload them tomorrow. (Saturday)

                                                                     With Love & Pandas,
                                                                                                      Cori Lynn. (:

New LTL website:
Instagram: cori_lynn_98
Twitter: @coripetersen98

**Please keep in mind that these are not action shots- but "Point&Shoot"

Also, all pictures are and always will be property of Cori Lynn Petersen Photography.
Thank you!